Athletic Equestrian
Legaue (AEL)
Athletic Equestrian League (AEL)
The Athletic Equestrian League is an organization of equestrian athletes who compete in practical horsemanship. Riders compete as individuals but can also receive points for the team. There will be weekly practices at the farm as well as several off-property horse shows that we will attend. Please read through all the information provided on this page, if your child may be interested in joining our team.
Riders will be assigned a division by the coaches and he/she will remain in that division for the duration of the year. Divisions are Mini (grade 1-3 walk trot), Beginner (grade 4 and up walk trot, ground poles), Advanced Beginner (walk trot canter, ground poles), Novice (cross rails), Intermediate (2’ fences), and Open (2’3” fences). In order to participate on the team, the rider must be able to at least walk and trot independently in a group and independently trot a poles course. If your rider is not yet at this point, keep practicing for the future!
Riders in the AEL are judged against a set of standards and receive a score on their ride. At a show, each rider does an unmounted practicum, and that score is added to their mounted score. Each rider receives a flat score worth 40 points, a fences or patterns score worth 40 points, and a practicum score worth 20 points, and all three scores are added together for their score for the day. At the shows, all riders will be assigned a random horse to ride by the hosting farm. Part of the challenge of AEL is putting your riding skills to the test on a new horse. Practicum questions and fences patterns are available to study in advance.
There will be two semesters per year, fall/winter and winter/spring. There will be fourteen (14) practices in the first semester, held on Monday or Thursday evenings from 6-8pm. Payment in full for the semester is due no later than the first practice day. Please note that AEL practice is in addition to, not in place of, a regular weekly riding lesson. Because this is a team program, riders will spend some of practice helping each other tack and untack, helping each other learn the patterns for the shows, and observing their teammates’ lessons. The AEL year will finish on Mother’s Day Weekend with travel to the AEL National competition, to be held at Mt. Holyoke Equestrian Center.
In order to participate in AEL, each rider must register online with the organization and pay the one-time $45 fee directly to AEL. You can pay here:
The cost of attending each horse show will be $175 for coaching, as well as additional entrance fees paid to the host farm. Host farms typically charge between $65-$95 per rider. Therefore, the cost of each show can range from about $215 – $245. Riders can compete in as many shows as they choose. Nationals’ fees will differ. It is our hope that you will attend at least one show.
Required attire for the horse shows will be as follows:
- Tan breeches or jodhpurs
- Tall or paddock boots (half chaps or garter straps required with paddock boots)
- Belt
- Tucked in farm polo shirt or farm jacket, which will be an additional cost payable to the farm
- Black gloves
- ATSM approved riding helmet (black or with black cover)
- Sweet Meadow Farm bows (if you do not wear a hair net you must wear our bows)
Please fill out our clothing form for what item(s) you will need: AEL Clothing Form – Google Forms
Spots on the team will be limited so if your rider would like to participate, please complete the Google Form that is linked below by August 1st and our instructors will determine if the team is a good fit for your rider on or before August 15th. If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail.
Please fill out our interest form: Google Form – AEL Interest Form
Monday Night AEL Practice
12/16 |
1/6 |
1/13 |
1/27 |
2/3 |
2/10 |
2/24 |
3/3 |
3/10 |
3/17 |
3/24 |
3/31 |
4/7 |
4/14 |
4/28 |
5/5 |
Thursday Night AEL Practice
12/12 |
12/19 |
1/9 |
1/16 |
1/30 |
2/6 |
2/13 |
2/27 |
3/6 |
3/13 |
3/20 |
3/27 |
4/3 |
4/10 |
4/17 |
5/1 |
5/8 |